A few months ago I posted a few of my favorite children’s
books in response to some young moms requesting ideas for quality literature
for their little guys. I had just given
a talk about moms (and children) being whole persons that need vital ideas to
think about. You can find the list of
resources and books here: Living Books for Little Ones. (Below are a few living books for different age levels that cover geography). The topic of quality literature and living
books seems to come up often.
I will be giving a couple of workshop sessions next month at the Central Illinois Home Educators Convention. One is on Great Literature and Living Books: Breathing New Life and Interest Into Any Curriculum. Though this will not be specifically Charlotte Mason Philosophy, I will be discussing the qualities that distinguish a living book and why and how we can incorporate this approach ‘across the curriculum’. (You CMers will see a lot of familiar methodologies!)
What are living books anyway? Let’s consider it…