
Friday, March 29, 2013

Calendar of Firsts - A Follow Up

You asked about My Calendar of Firsts book I mentioned in the 'Signs of Spring' post.  Until I was introduced to this one a couple of years ago at the ChildLight Conference, we used a regular wall calendar to jot notes on days - which works great.  I used the Backyard Birds, like the one pictured at right, to record the weather, keep a list of the bird sightings in our yard, and write about happenings in the forest from our walks.
It is a capital plan for the children to keep a calendar––the first oak-leaf, the first tadpole, the first cowslip, the first catkin, the first ripe blackberries, where seen, and when. The next year they will know when and where to look out for their favourites, and will, every year, be in a condition to add new observations (Mason, vol. 1, p. 54)

Monday, March 25, 2013

Picture Study

A narrative remembrance after five years: Eve Anderson's class (and our evolution toward a CM methodology)

This past month we discussed "The Knowledge of Man; Art" from Miss Mason's Towards a Philosophy of Education (vol. 6) in our local CM study group.  As there were several who were new to CM or Picture Study, I gave an integrated narration of sorts - a bit from our own home school experience, a narration of Eve Anderson's class from the Perimeter School DVD, and a fusion of CM's writings and descriptions.  Overall, probably TMI for a brief explanation.  I will give you a more succinct version of "How-To" at the end.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Quote for the Day - Rembrandt

Rembrandt - A Girl at a Window
It is not in a day or a year that Fra Angelico will tell us the beauty of holiness, that Giotto will confide his interpretation of the meaning of life, that Millet will tell us the simplicity and dignity that belong to labour on the soil, that Rembrandt will show us the sweetness of humanity in many a commonplace countenance... (Ourselves, Charlotte Mason)

Monday, March 18, 2013

A Lovely Visitor

I was in the kitchen a day or so ago when the loud, clear 'fee-bee' call caught my attention.  I went out on the back deck to try to find him - there he was, at the top of the Honey Locust singing away.  I had seen a pair flitting here and there across the deck and around the Japanese Maple.  Already nesting?

click here to listen to the "fee-bee" call

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Quote for the Day - Millet

Jean Francois Millet - The Gleaners
It is not in a day or a year that Fra Angelico will tell us the beauty of holiness, that Giotto will confide his interpretation of the meaning of life, that Millet will tell us the simplicity and dignity that belong to labour on the soil... (Ourselves, Charlotte Mason)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Quote for the Day - Giotto

Giotto - The Last Judgement
It is not in a day or a year that Fra Angelico will tell us the beauty of holiness, that Giotto will confide his interpretation of the meaning of life... (Ourselves, Charlotte Mason)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Signs of Spring

There are definite signs of spring here in the great Midwest! The syncopated 'Huuuummm, thunk!' of the sump pumps working away keeping the basement clear of melting snow, the gurgle of flowing water into the not-so-dry rock creek in the garden, and the squish of steps across the thawing ground sing out the harmonies of "SPRING".

On Sunday, I was excited to record the date the robins returned to our yard in our Book of Firsts.  And here, peeking through the crusted earth...

The first daffodil shoots!
Leave a comment and tell us about spring where you are!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Quote for the Day - Fra Angelico

Fra Angelico - The Annunciation
It is not in a day or a year that Fra Angelico will tell us the beauty of holiness... (Ourselves, Charlotte Mason)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Quote for the Day

"The aging process has you firmly in its grasp if you never get the urge to throw a snowball." Doug Larson 

Enjoying another snowy day in the Midwest!
Get outside, make a snowman, have a snowball fight, go sledding!
If you're in the UK, look for the snowdrop flowers; if you are in the south, enjoy the spring rain & watch for budding trees!