
Friday, November 30, 2012

who you know truly matters

Dear friend,

We had a lovely and energetic speaker today at our MOPS brunch.  Leigh Gray with Speaking Thru Me Ministries spoke on ministering to others during difficult times.  Interestingly, I had already begun this blog post and had planned to finish it this afternoon.  It speaks to the underlying support of the truth of Scripture and knowledge of God. 
I think I'll take it in two parts... here are my thoughts that flowed from her talk this morning. 

She began with the reminder that when we don't know what to pray - either because we are in the midst of a painful time ourselves or we just don't know how to support a friend - Jesus is interceding for us and the Holy Spirit prays for us when we don't have the words.  She also emphasized the fact that just because we don't "feel" God doesn't mean he isn't there.  In our house it hasn't been uncommon to hear the exhortation that you can't always believe what you "feel", but only what you know to be true. Leah also spoke about how God is completely able and aware of each situation.  So, how do you know?

The only reliable way of knowing that truth is a relationship with God.  You can't know someone you don't spend time with.  It takes effort and dedicated time!  You must read for yourself to see how he cares for his people.  How he keeps his promises.  How he plans the best with the desire for his people to know and love him!  We see both God's character and ours through studying both the Old and New Testament.  Just as there is no quality time without quantity time when you talk about your spouse and your children, only time spent with God, studying his Word that tells us the truth of who he is and what he is like, develops that relationship. When you have a relationship with someone, you know what they are like and you find out more - steadily over time.  Neglect does not foster a relationship, but time spent daily draws us closer.  Who you know truly matters...

Grace for the day,