
Friday, July 27, 2012

Personalities and Creativity on Display

So dear daughter and lovely friend spent a couple of hours showing me their Pintrest Accounts and decided I needed one too.  I now have another venue to wile away my moments looking at other people's creativity.  I did find, after way too much time yesterday, that my amazement of others capacity for life and just plain fun was renewed... a backyard Twister games spray painted on the lawn is a definite part of our next youth event here!  I also found it interesting to see how much our personalities can be reflected in our "likes", "pins" and "pin comment labels".  I added a link in the sidebar with my other blog link (still trying to work on how best to use that old one ).  I will leave it to you to discover a little more about me if you like; I know I could do with a little better insight and perspective on someone besides plain ole me :-)!